- use a thick arrow anchored at the bottom edge to indicate when there is an overflow of data so that user must scroll down.
- allow file names to have spaces
Don't simply bubble up Linux' restrictions!
This restriction will make things less interoperable.
see http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/c3fe7eda6f564d4d/f7d9ca5b7e702d63#f7d9ca5b7e702d63
[Note: I was apparently mistaken - the restriction was from Android. Linux allows spaces]
Use well known Design Patterns for callbacks, and use exceptions not return codes!
A) when calling an Activity:
startSubActivity(...,,[methodName or reference to Method]);
// for example Class.forName().getMethod("foo")
B) in the callback method foo().
foo() {
try {
Activity.checkActivityResult(); // throws exception if error
} catch(Exception1 e1) {
- log filters should use approximate, not exact matches.
necessary so that I know where the message has come from - like log4j.
However if I want to see messages of my application and create a
filter: "Foo", then they cannot be seen because they match exactly, no
wild cards, and so the filter must be specified: "Foo Bar".
Hence it would be a simple and small but useful change if Google were
to match using startsWith() and not equals().
see http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/d528d6c810a18647